Develop pupils' writing lives across the school, at home, in the local community and beyond.View details about Everybody Writes: beyond the classroom -
This Key Stage 1 resource celebrates the enduring wonder of Winnie-the-Pooh and the joy of storytelling.View details about Creative storytelling: the wonder of Winnie-the-Pooh -
A series of free wellbeing-themed teaching resources for primary schools, secondary schools and parents.View details about Wellbeing, reading and writing resources -
Early years practitioners from Lady Castle Nursery explain how they used our Early Words Together at Two programme to improve the literacy of two-year-olds through greater parental...View details about Case study: Early Words Together at Two in Lady Castle Nursery -
Resources, posters and tips to teach children about fake news, and give them the critical literacy skills they need to navigate our digital world.View details about Fake news and critical literacy resources -
We have produced a series of bilingual quick tips for parents and practitioners to help children develop good talking and listening skills. There are lots of different languages....View details about English and Russian bilingual quick tips -
Guidance for schools, nurseries, local authorities and public health partners.View details about Making the most of the home learning environment -
School libraries have the potential to have an important impact on many areas of pupil development including pupil skills, motivation and enjoyment, not only in reading, but in a...View details about School libraries - the beating heart of the school -
These resources aim to build the bridge between the emerging research and its practical application to improve outcomes for younger children through personalisation of stories.View details about Developing lifelong readers through personalisation -
Professor Elena Lieven reflects on early language development and communication in different cultures.View details about Other cultures, other languages: learning to talk around the world -
Explore resources to support schools to deliver Early Words Together at Three.View details about Early Words Together at Three programme resources -
Activity packs for parents and carers about using songs, rhymes and musical games to communicate with babies and young children.View details about Rock-a-bye Baby: singing helps your baby grow -
Discover new and exciting books for your baby and young child with these eight book lists. These lists include book recommendations on a range of topics including bedtime, animals,...View details about Choose the perfect book for your child with these book lists -
Ideas and activities to support your school in using diaries as an introduction to autobiographical writing and as a way of promoting family and community engagement.View details about The diary writer’s toolkit -
Our Talk for Reading bookmarks support pupils, teachers and parents in raising and answering questions.View details about Talk for Reading bookmarks -
All the additional resources participating settings need to run Everyone Ready for School.View details about Everyone Ready for School programme participants' resources -
Our toolkit contains tips, research and best practice examples to help involve families with young children in reading.View details about Parents as partners: How to get families reading together in the early years -
Technology can play a useful role in supporting early communication, language and literacy.View details about Digital technology and the early years -
Encourage children to read their way around with world with our fun and engaging Reading Miles Global Challenge.View details about Reading Miles Global Challenge -
We all have a story to tell. Take a look at our top ten ideas for using life stories as a way of engaging secondary school parents and families.View details about The Life Story Collector's Top Ten: using stories to engage parents and families -
Here we share our top tips and creative ideas to engage parents through books.View details about Creative ideas for engaging parents through books