The Read Manchester campaign has teamed up with Bee in the City to challenge children and young people to be creative this summer.
As the Bee in the City public art event puts hundreds of giant bee sculptures on the streets in Manchester, we're encouraging young writers to take part in the Bee a Reader creative writing competition for the chance to win a selection of great prizes.
Children and young people aged 7 to 16 should write up to 500 words on a day in the life of a Manchester bee. Entries can be submitted by email, by hand at your local Manchester library or by post to:
Bee in the City
Federation House
2 Federation Street
M4 2AH
Please remember to include your name, age, address and parent/carer's phone number and email address.
Prizes include book bundles, a family train ticket to London and Lowry Outlet vouchers.
Entries will be judged in two age categories: age 7 to 11 and age 12 to 16.
The judging panel will consist of representatives from Manchester City Council, the National Literacy Trust and Wild in Art.
This competition is now closed.
Good luck!
Download the competition terms and conditions.