Inspire pupils with a picturebook reading challenge
In Autumn 2023, with our partner Amazon, we launched a challenge inviting you and your students to discover, or re-discover, the wonderful world of picturebooks!
Entry to the challenge has closed, but the resources continue to be available for schools to run activities at any time of the year, fostering a deeper enjoyment and understanding of how powerful picturebooks can be.
Our first experiences of reading are often looking at, being read to from, or reading picturebooks. But what if we take a closer look? What if we read and discuss picturebooks on another level that provides not only reading for pleasure but a critical literacy that encourages all students going forward as they start a new academic year?
This reading challenge is designed for students aged 4 to 14 but can be enjoyed by people of any age.
Aim of the reading challenge
With three key focal points this reading challenge is a great way to approach your whole-school literacy goals:
- Readers of all abilities can get involved with these inclusive and diverse texts
- Book talk and discussions are key to encouraging reading for pleasure
- Picturebooks provide limitless opportunities to develop critical literacy skills for all ages
Running Picture This! in your school
Guided by the National Literacy Trust's own experts on this topic, lots of useful resources support the delivery of this challenge and are available to download from this page:
- Detailed classroom-ready Teacher Guidelines
- Comprehensive booklists for ages 4 to 14 years
- Age-appropriate prompt cards to support group discussions and analysis
- Framework document to capture thoughts and ideas
- Certificate for all participants
NOTE: You'll need to be logged in to your National Literacy Trust membership account or to sign up for a free, personal membership account to download resources.
Entering the competition
The Picture This! reading challenge closing date was Friday 15 December.
Eligible entries were invited in the form of a photograph or scan of the Reading Response Framework (completed by an individual/pair/group) as nominated by the class or school to be the best. Each school able to submit up to two entries using the template supplied for download on this webpage.
Submissions were entered into a prize draw and a winner selected at random.
Please see the Terms and Conditions document for further information.
Any queries should be sent to competitions@literacytrust.org.uk
Book offer
The generous support of Amazon meant that 100 schools were been gifted a box of theme-appropriate books. However, access to these specific books is not essential. Supplied is a list of recommended reading, but your school or public library will also have a range of books that can be used. Ask your school librarian for help to find the material you need!
If you have any queries about our Reading Champions Reading Challenge series then don’t hesitate to contact us at competitions@literacytrust.org.uk.

National Literacy Trust Reading Champions is supported by ALCS.
Find out more about the National Reading Champions Quiz and Challenges.
Explore useful teaching resources developed by ALCS to support understanding and communication about copyright with guides for children, young people and teachers.
Watch this ALCS animation as a great starting point to helping your students understand copyright in a fun and interactive way. Karl Nova uses his voice and talent to bring the importance of copyright for writers and artists to life in this video from ALCS.