This comprehensive guide to research and policy developments in primary literacy designed to help you develop evidence-based, sustainable literacy practices.View details about Primary Literacy Guide and Review -
Celebrate the festive period with fun literacy activitiesView details about Hot topic: winter wonderland -
Nursery rhymes are extremely valuable to support language and communication skills, build confidence and prepare children for reading and writing as they get older.View details about Nursery Rhymes in the Early Years -
The set of cards are designed to support parents and carers of 0 to 5-year-olds to talk and play more with their children while they are out and about.View details about Walk and Talk Trail -
This easy-to-read guide now comes in 26 languages and is full of suggestions for how parents can support learning for their 3 to 5-year old children at home.View details about Support for multilingual families at home: Time together booklet -
These resources provide teachers with the tools to understand the language and literacy development needs of EAL learners, who constitute a significant and varied group.View details about Understanding the language and literacy needs of EAL learners -
Welcome to your dedicated participants' page for Hachette UK and National Literacy Trust's Changing the Story reading programme.View details about Changing the Story reading programme - participants' page -
Resources to support the delivery of early years sessions in an outside space. These activities are aimed at children aged two to five but can be adapted for other ages.View details about Outdoor Activities to Support Communication and Wellbeing -
Refresh and secure subject knowledge of grammar across all staff with these presentations.View details about Developing grammar subject knowledge for practitioners -
We share the experience of how whole-school reading posters succeeded in getting staff and students talking at Eggbuckland Community College, with examples to inspire you.View details about Whole-school reading recommendations posters -
School libraries have the potential to have an important impact on many areas of pupil development including pupil skills, motivation and enjoyment, not only in reading, but in a...View details about School libraries - the beating heart of the school -
This resource contains a selection of high-quality picture books that support the teaching of phonics.View details about Great books for teaching phonics -
Technology can play a useful role in supporting early communication, language and literacy.View details about Digital technology and the early years -
A quick guide that defines and covers some of the basics of synthetic phonics. Aimed at those new to phonics, parents and secondary colleagues struggling with late decoders.View details about The quick guide to phonics -
Learn how to make the most of the time you spend helping children to engage with reading.View details about Top tips to support children with reading for enjoyment -
Supporting resources, activities and book lists for schools taking part in the Young Readers Programme.View details about Young Readers Programme coordinator zone