Discover how this member school applied CPD insights to develop a whole-school reading for pleasure ethos, including creation of their own reading podcast.View details about Developing a culture of reading for pleasure: a case study from Dormers Wells High School -
A compilation of recent research and policy developments to support whole-school and disciplinary literacy in secondary schools.View details about Secondary School Literacy Research and Policy Guide -
A scheme of work to enable teachers to support KS3 students with their understanding of misinformation and disinformation and to hold safe discussions around the events of Summer 2024.View details about Media Literacy: a resource to Empower young minds -
Plan your exciting literacy events and moments across the year using our printable calendar and display in your staffroom to inspire planning.View details about Primary and secondary literacy year planner 2024-25 (printable) -
Classroom poetry writing activities inspired by Yoto Carnegie Medal winning title, The Boy Lost In The Maze by Joseph Coelho, for students aged 14 to 18 (KS4 - KS5).View details about The Boy Lost in the Maze: poetry writing resources for students aged 14 to 18 -
Supporting schools and early years settings with literacy teaching resources to help enrich your lessons linking to literacy moments and awareness days throughout the academic year.View details about Literacy teaching and school events calendar 2024-2025 -
Game Changers powerpoints and worksheets for schools and organisations joining the programme from March 2024.View details about Game Changers participants' zone -
Learn more about our reading programme for excluded secondary students with these sample resources.View details about Game Changers - sample resources -
This literacy leadership guide introduces the key roles and responsibilities and also provides prompts for a learning walk.View details about Literacy leadership in secondary schools -
Developed in partnership with Poppyscotland these Remembrance Book Club resources have been designed for Curriculum for Excellence learners.View details about Remembrance Book Club resources for Scottish students -
Research shows that the strongest factor affecting secondary pupils’ science scores is their literacy levels. Our resource helps science teachers and literacy coordinators implement...View details about Developing language and literacy in science -
Insight and guidance for maths teachers and literacy leads exploring specific literacy skills students need to support their understanding of mathematics:View details about Developing literacy in secondary mathematics -
A series of whole school and classroom activities suitable for pupils aged 5 to 16, to celebrate National Careers Week from Monday 6 March until Saturday 11 March.View details about National Careers Week -
These resources support teachers to develop new approaches to embedding literacy into GCSE PE and sport science lessons.View details about Literacy in PE -
Our webinar series supports librarians and teachers to ensure that children have access to a library collection and reading experience is as diverse and inclusive as possibleView details about Diverse Libraries webinar recordings -
Developed in partnership with Parentkind, our guide to fundraising for your school library is packed with ideas for fundraising activities.View details about School libraries fundraising pack -
Our model lesson and guidance for reciprocal reading in geography will support students to synthesise, interpret, evaluate and communicate information from source texts.View details about Reciprocal reading: geography -
Hold a Christmas book flood in your school to promote reading for pleasure.View details about Jólabókaflóð - the Christmas book flood -
These resources provide teachers with the tools to understand the language and literacy development needs of EAL learners, who constitute a significant and varied group.View details about Understanding the language and literacy needs of EAL learners -
Activities for primary, secondary and post-16 students to support career insight and employability.View details about Career activity handbooks -
A curated collection of our resources to support diversity in book collections and literacy teaching.View details about Promoting diversity through literacy: our resources