Read our study that shows how book ownership is not only associated with attainment but is also related more broadly to literacy and education, from reading enjoyment...View details about Book ownership and its relation to reading enjoyment, attitudes, behaviour and attainment -
Read about why young people use or do not use their local library and how this relates to their reading behaviour and attitudes more widely.View details about Public Libraries and Reading: Young people’s reading habits and attitudes to public libraries, and an exploration of the relationship between public library use and school attainment -
Read our review that shows how critical parents and carers are to their children’s language skills and the vital role of the home learning environment and early...View details about The importance of families and the home environment 2011: A research review -
This report focuses on the potential differences between boys and girls in terms of their views of communication skills, their confidence in using them and the importance they place...View details about Boys, Girls and Communication: Their views, confidence and why these skills matter (2011) -
This report shows that what parents say, and what they do, can have a considerable impact on children’s and young people’s reading enjoyment, confidence and...View details about Family Matters: The importance of family support for young people's reading in 2011 -
Nursery World and the National Literacy Trust launched its language development survey to celebrate Hello; the national year of communication in May 2011. The...View details about Investigating communication, language and literacy development in the early years sector in 2011 -
Discover how much children and young people enjoyed reading in 2011, how often they read in their free time, what types of formats they read outside class, and what...View details about Children's and Young People's Reading in 2011 -
Parents are twice as likely to talk to children in face-to-face buggies, which could impact language development.View details about Face-to-face buggy research project 2008 - 2010 -
Read about what children said about their home literacy environment and parental support for reading in 2009.View details about Children’s and Young People’s Reading 2009: The importance of the home environment and family support -
Read about what children said about their home literacy environment and parental support for reading in 2009.View details about Young People's Self-Perceptions as Readers (2009) -
Having a profile on a social networking site or having a blog is connected to enjoyment of writing and confidence in writing. Young people today use computers regularly and believe...View details about Young People's Writing (2009): Attitudes, behaviour and the role of technology -
This report outlines how school library usage differs according to background demographics and reading attainment, and how it relates to wider enjoyment of reading,...View details about Linking School Libraries and Literacy -
Research has established a clear link between parental involvement and children’s educational attainment.View details about Why Fathers Matter to Their Children's Literacy (2009): A review -
Do children and young people have reading role models? If so, do these role models come from their immediate social environment? Or are more distant ones, such as celebrities, also...View details about Reaching Out with Role Models: Role models and young people’s reading (2009) -
Read about the link between literacy and offending in our review of existing research.View details about Literacy Changes Lives (2008): The role of literacy in offending behaviour -
Read about our survey on the self-perceptions of young people as readers. We explore to what extent young people see themselves as readers? What does it mean to be a reader? What...View details about Young People's Self-Perceptions as Readers (2008) -
This review of existing literature presents overwhelming evidence that literacy has a significant relationship with a person’s happiness and success.View details about Literacy Changes Lives (2008): An advocacy resource -
This paper looks at the impact of choice, interest and self-awareness on reading behaviour.View details about Interesting choice - The (relative) importance of choice and interest in reader engagement (2008): A review -
Who do children choose as reading role models, and why? Are celebrity role models ‘too glossily distant to be useful role models’, and what is the relative impact of individuals...View details about Role models and their impact on literacy (2008): A review -
The 2008 National Year of Reading (NYR) was delivered by a consortium of partners led by the National Literacy Trust.View details about Reading: the Future – final report of the 2008 National Year of Reading -
Findings are based on a 2007 National Literacy Trust survey of 29 primary and secondary schools in England, which included some questions around the reader self-concept.View details about Demystifying the Reluctant Reader (2007)