Read about how often parents use books and touch-screen technology in 2013, their attitudes to using books and technology with children, and how activities at home ...View details about Parents’ perspectives: Children’s use of technology in the early years in 2013 -
Read about how often practitioners and children engage in reading-related activities when in settings, and how often they use technology, in particular touch-screen devices.View details about Practitioner perspectives: Children's use of technology in the early years (2013) -
This report outlines findings from Pearson and the National Literacy Trust’s second annual early years literacy survey, conducted in May to July 2014. 1,012 parents of children aged...View details about Literacy Survey: Children’s early literacy practices at home and in early years settings 2014 -
Read about how much children and young people enjoyed writing in 2012. The report includes how often they engaged in writing, what types of formats they wrote outside class, and...View details about Children and Young People’s Writing in 2012 -
Read our review on boys and reading. It was prepared to inform the Commission’s initial discussions and guide them in their subsequent investigation and evidence ...View details about Boys' Reading 2012: A review of existing research -
Read our report that finds children and young people who sit down to eat dinner and talk with their family are more confident communicators than those who do not. ...View details about Talk at Mealtime -
Read our reports on youth literacy and employability. In 2013, the National Literacy Trust and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Literacy held a joint commission...View details about Youth literacy and employability 2013 -
This report includes information on how often children read in their free time, what types of formats they read outside class, and what they thought about reading in...View details about Children’s and Young People’s Reading in 2012 -
Transforming Writing was a two-year action research project, sponsored by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, which developed a model for the teaching and learning of...View details about Transforming Writing: Final evaluation report -
Read about our survey that found a third of parents do not realise they have the most important influence on their child’s language and literacy development.View details about Parents' Views on Literacy Development in 2012 -
This report includes how often children engaged in writing, what types of formats they wrote outside class, and what they thought about various aspects of writing in 2011.View details about Children and Young People’s Writing in 2011 -
Findings from the National Literacy Trust’s 2012 Annual Literacy Survey on reading enjoyment, reading behaviour outside class and reading attitudes.View details about Accelerated Reader and Young People's Reading in 2012 -
This research assesses the current situation regarding looked-after children and literacy, what interventions are already out there and what we could learn form previous projects.View details about Looked-after Children and Literacy 2012 -
In this review Dr. Cathy Hamer discusses early language development and external factors that impact on language development, such as the home learning environment...View details about Parent-Child Communication is Important from Birth: A NCT/NLT research overview (2012) -
This research highlights how children and young people are reading less as their lives get more crowded.View details about Children's and Young People's Reading Today -
Read about the number of books young people read in a month and how this links with other reading variables, such as reading enjoyment, attitudes towards reading, reading frequency...View details about Is Four the Magic Number? Number of books read in a month and young people’s wider reading behaviour -
We explore how often children engaged in writing, what types of formats they wrote outside class, and what they thought about various aspects of writing in 2010.View details about Children and Young People’s Writing in 2010: Setting the baseline -
This paper sets out evidence for the impact of parental engagement in home learning and the significance of attitudes, aspirations and literacy development.View details about Literacy: A route of addressing child poverty? (2011) -
Discover how much children and young people enjoyed reading in 2010, how often they read in their free time, what types of formats they read outside class, and what...View details about Children’s and Young People’s Reading in 2010: Setting the baseline -
We found that reading enjoyment is a prominent variable that influences reading attainment indirectly as well as directly.View details about Mapping the interrelationships of reading enjoyment, attitudes, behaviour and attainment (2011) -
Read about book ownership in 2010, with 1 in 3 children and young people saying that they don’t have a book of their own at home.View details about The Gift of Reading in 2011: Children and young people’s access to books and attitudes towards reading