This classroom pedagogy is designed to integrate the teaching of reading and writing within teachers’ subject areas.View details about Learning to Write, Reading to Learn: integrating the teaching of reading and writing within teachers’ subject areas -
An example of parental engagement from Mayflower Community Academy, Plymouth, where families take part in morning workshops making, decorating and filling bookshelves...View details about Community bookcase project: how Mayflower Academy are engaging families and raising the profile of reading -
An example from Queensbridge School in Birmingham of how literacy can be integrated in the PSHE curriculum. “Generation Z” integrates wider reading of challenging...View details about Integrating literacy and PSHE: a case study from Queensbridge School, Birmingham -
A resource packed with ideas for inspiring real reading and writing through exploration of the place we know best – our local area.View details about Our Places: a toolkit for inspiring reading and writing through exploration of local places -
This toolkit contains a host of creative ideas and activities to support your school community in collecting and sharing its own family stories. It celebrates the...View details about The Story Collectors’ Toolkit: ideas and activities for recording your families’ stories -
Explore our ‘Top Ten’ ideas for using storytelling to build bridges with parents and families. The resource was designed for primary schools but could easily be adapted for secondary.View details about The Storytellers’ Top Ten: using storytelling to promote parental engagement -
A resource exploring how to actively engage students through creative approaches to reading in lessons.View details about Creative approaches to reading -
Support staff to select appropriate interventions at Key Stage 3 with our downloadable presentation, designed to be used in a staff meeting or whole school INSET with staff from...View details about Planning Key Stage 3 interventions -
Develop staff knowledge of high-quality children’s literature. Our staff meeting PowerPoint, and accompanying guidance notes, will help you develop a whole-school...View details about Building our knowledge of high-quality children’s literature: resources for a staff meeting -
An interactive PDF which brings together all the evidence around reading for enjoyment and provides guidance on how to measure the impact of reading for enjoyment on...View details about Reading Outcomes Framework -
Support your students to improve their verbal communication skills by teaching different types of interactive talk.View details about Understanding the teaching of "talk" in the secondary classroom -
This resource explores the opportunities for links between literacy and landscape. It includes a sample geography and poetry lesson plan.View details about Landscape and literacy: linking geography and poetry at Key Stage 3 -
A quick guide that defines and covers some of the basics of synthetic phonics. Aimed at those new to phonics, parents and secondary colleagues struggling with late decoders.View details about The quick guide to phonics -
Download Tom's short story for Years 6, 7 and 8.View details about A free short story by Tom Palmer for Years 6, 7 and 8: Maybe Football is Exciting -
We have put together the following advice based on our experiences of working with professional football clubs to promote reading and literacy.View details about Using football to promote literacy: working with clubs and players -
These football-themed books have been reviewed for us by football author Tom Palmer. The reviews are short and grouped by age.View details about Football book reviews -
10 writing exercises that use football to engage young people with writing.View details about Football-themed writing activities by author Tom Palmer -
Learn how to make the most of the time you spend helping children to engage with reading.View details about Top tips to support children with reading for enjoyment -
Emma King (Teaching and Learning Lead) at Nightingale Academy, North London outlines how teachers across the school are improving reading comprehension through three...View details about Developing pupils’ reading across the secondary curriculum: an example from Nightingale Academy -
Celebrate reading and inspire children with our themed book lists.View details about Young Readers Programme: booklists -
The Literacy Progress Units (LPU) were National Strategy intervention materials written primarily for use with small groups of Year 7 pupils to help them catch up with their peers...View details about Literacy Progress Units