An interactive PDF which brings together all the evidence around reading for enjoyment and provides guidance on how to measure the impact of reading for enjoyment on your own pupils.
The positive impacts of reading for enjoyment on children, young people, and adults have been demonstrated extensively. But thanks to an innovative and exciting collaboration project in the reading sector, the various outcomes and impacts of reading for pleasure can now be found in one single document.
The outcomes framework for reading for pleasure and empowerment, and the associated toolkit, have been designed by the Reading Agency in partnership with the National Literacy Trust and key organisations from the sector, including ASCEL, CILIP, BookTrust and the Arts Council. They are now available for free for anybody seeking to improve reading for enjoyment.
The toolkit contains existing survey questions which have been used to evidence progress on a wide range of outcomes from attainment to mental well-being, and cultural participation. It also provides links to background evidence behind each outcome to support advocacy in favour of reading for enjoyment.
The reading outcomes framework: a PDF overview of the outcomes of reading for pleasure.
The reading outcomes toolkit: an interactive PDF to help you understand, demonstrate and improve the impact of your activities to encourage reading for pleasure.
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