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The Arctic Challenge: A day in the life

Arctic 2023 3

Are you curious about what a day might look like when you're on the Arctic Challenge? Let's take a look at the itinerary for the Saturday of our epic fundraising challenge event.

Expect a packed day with orienteering and ice fishing before a chance to go head to head against your team mates in a 35km dog sleigh race.

Saturday 18th January

Your day will start with a short orienteering challenge through the beautiful, snow-laden landscape, so make sure to brush up on your map-reading skills. You'll finish on the frozen lake where, armed with an auger you will be taught to drill a hole through the ice and try you hand at ice-fishing, Arctic style.

You'll then return to camp for a quick coffee to warm up before you and your team will harness your dog teams and compete against each other in a spectacular 35km circuit across the frozen lakes and through the arctic forests.

By midday you'll have time for a well-earned rest and some refreshments, before heading back out to continue the time trials under torchlight, as the days are very short when you're in the Arctic circle.

Finally, you'll troop back to the camp for a warm brew and a chance to channel your inner Bear Grylls in a fire lighting challenge using only naturally occurring materials and a box of matches.

Your day will finish with a much-needed sauna (and optional snow roll for the brave!) before dinner and a Swedish quiz.

Join us on The Arctic Challenge 2025