All jobs require writing, some more than others. Here we have pulled together all our favourite videos and resources of professional writers explaining their very different jobs.
You can use these films in the classroom to discuss what different forms of writing professional people produce. Some people write stories or poems for a living but many, many more write news articles, webpages, emails and so on.
Authors, poets and songwriters
- Our Digital Poet in Residence video resources: poet Simon Mole talks your class through the process of writing, editing and performing a poem
- Top tips for writing lyrics from songwriter Jamie Scallion
- The StoryCraft videos from our friends at World Book Day: famous children's fiction authors share their tips
Journalists and editors
- Roles in a newsroom: Guardian journalists, columnists and editors share information about their jobs (produced for NewsWise, our news literacy project in partnership with The Guardian Foundation and the PSHE Association) - look out for Editor-in-Chief Katharine Viner's top tips for future journalists
- Our My Words, My World resource features film clips of four journalists talking about their work, what motivates them and what makes a good feature article