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Aunt Pythia's Peculiar Pet: Day 5

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The Sight

Welcome to Day 5 of Aunt Pythia's Peculiar Pet: Write your own Halloween story.

In the fifth and final episode of Aunt Pythia's Peculiar Pet, Dr Nightfowl explains that you must begin training. You must practice a skill called The Sight, which means putting yourself into the body of your Familiar and seeing through their eyes!

For your final task, you must describe what you can see through the sight of your creature.

Does everything appear massive, or tiny? Maybe your familiar only sees in certain colours!

Looking out from the eyes of your familiar, you can fly, you will be able to look down upon the rooftops of your home, school, the network of roads around your house, and places you’re only used to seeing from human height.

If you can swim, you’ll be able to travel deep through all the shades of blue. You’ll be able to hear sounds that humans can’t, sense smells humans can’t detect, and see further than human eyes can see.

Write what you can see, hear, sense, smell and feel in as much detail as possible!

Thank you for taking part in Aunt Pythia’s Peculiar Pet Halloween Activities. We’d love for you to take part in all of Aunt Pythia’s challenges, but you can also focus on just one or two if you wish.

Share Your Challenges!

Once you have completed your Familiar diagram, Observation Diary, Map of the Shadow Lands, your Familiar Binding Spell or your adventures using Familiar Sight - please send your work to for a chance to be featured on our website!

We’ll be asking Aunt Pythia to pick her favourite responses to each of the challenges, with those selected receiving a bundle of free books!


The best entry into the map of the shadow world challenge will see their drawing turned into a professional illustration by the brilliant Lizzie Lovejoy (instagram: @Lizzie_Lovejoy_illustration). You have until 15th November to submit your work, so you can use Halloween for some extra spooky inspiration!

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