For schools in Middlesbrough

National Literacy Trust in Middlesbrough support local schools to improve their literacy levels, and encourage pupils to read and write in their own time.
Discover lots of free classroom resources, teacher training, and events near you.
Use this leaflet to help little ones chat about a well-loved storyLearn more
As new research highlights links between literacy and wellbeing, Middlesbrough schools can download wellbeing-themed resources including assembly plans, a book list and...Learn more
Home learning support
Ages 0-12. Search by age for fun family activities to help parents support their children’s literacyLearn more
Age 13+: tips for young adults to boost reading, writing, speaking and listening skillsLearn more
We partnered with Oak Academy to bring you free books, exclusive videos and recommended reads from top children's authors and illustrators.Learn more
Training and programmes
Early Words Together helps parents support their young child’s literacy and language development.Learn more about Early Words Together.