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Week six: pick-me-up poetry

Mental health awareness week.jpg

This week (18 - 24 May 2020) is Mental Health Awareness week, and the theme this year is kindness. For this weeks challenge, we're asking Doncaster's children to write a pick-me-up poem to help spread some kindness and positivity during lockdown.

If you're looking for some inspiration, you could watch this video from the Mental Health Foundation, who have written a poem to help raise awareness. You could borrow the first two lines of the poem to help write your own version

At time like these when the world feels upside down,

kindness can be the key to turning things around...

The Mental Health Foundation also have lots of resources, research, and kindness stories to help raise awareness. You can also watch the video below for some more tips and recommendations from our Campaigns Officer.

Entries for this challenge are now closed but feel free to write your own pick-me-up poem anyway.

You may find these resources useful:

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