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Non-Fiction November 2023

Added 30 Oct 2023 | Updated 16 Nov 23

Why non-fiction is important

girl reading NF

In our recent research (2022), more than half (56%) of children and young people told us that they read non-fiction. We also found that children and young people who read non-fiction are more engaged with environmental issues.

Those who read non-fiction are more likely to want to take care of the environment compared with those who don't read non-fiction (68% vs 49%).

Overall, this report also found that more children and young people who read non-fiction were motivated to read for educational purposes, to satisfy curiosities, to foster social connections and to support their mental wellbeing. Read the full report on Children and young people's non-fiction reading.

Celebrate Non-Fiction November

As our research demonstrates, providing pupils with the opportunity to read and explore non-fiction plays a vital role in helping them to learn about their world, as well as fostering reading for pleasure. It is therefore essential that pupils have access to a high-quality and engaging non-fiction collection.

Our resources are designed to help you explore non-fiction with your class, and celebrate the different perspectives and enjoyment it brings.

Teaching resources and reading recommendations for Non-Fiction November

This year, the theme for Non-Fiction November is Wonderful Water. To help you celebrate and promote non-fiction in your settings we have compiled compelling book recommendations for you to explore with pupils from early years right through to KS3, alongside practical guidance for using non-fiction in the classroom.

These resources are free to download from the file list below.

Non-fiction in the early years

The Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework refers to non-fiction books and their role in enhancing language development and children's knowledge of the world around them. Our resources provide guidance on how to read and explore non-fiction texts with young children, accompanied by a Wonderful Water themed booklist of recommended texts to try in your setting.

Non-fiction in the primary and KS3 classroom

Resources include:

  • A booklist with cross-phase reading recommendations for ages 4 through to 14 (Reception KS1, KS2, KS3). These explore the theme of Wonderful Water, each including linked non-fiction writing ideas.
  • Our non-fiction guidance for primary teachers which highlights five fabulous approaches for inspiring learning through non-fiction texts.

Further non-fiction resources

For our premium members, we also have further resources to celebrate non-fiction November:

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