We’ve partnered with Early Years in Mind, a network developed by mental health experts at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, to bring you this transition resource to share with families starting nursery.
“Toddlers and pre-schoolers can benefit from counting down the days by using a visual timetable or calendar. This preparation provides a sense of predictability and security”
How can early years workers help children manage the transition back to nursery? Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
The countdown to nursery resource is available in two formats. The first is designed to be printed out, with space for you to write on the name of the key person and group. The other version is editable for you to include key facts to share with families. The notes in brackets are suggestions of information you may wish to include. You could include photographs of your setting and the main key people that the child will come into contact with.

Early Years in Mind is a free online network for early years practitioners. Developed by mental health experts at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, Early Years in Mind shares practical and clinical expertise on supporting the mental health of babies, young children and their families. It offers advice on using attachment-informed practice to help practitioners to both support relationships between parents and their children, and to build nurturing relationships with children themselves. Resources include an A-Z of common difficulties in the early years, early years research and our Child in Mind podcast.
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