Give transition a literacy focus with this resource based on the wonderful book The Land of Neverbelieve by Norman Messenger.View details about Literacy-based transition project for Years 6 and 7 -
A cross-curricular resource for Key Stage 3 celebrating Shakespeare’s enduring legacy.View details about Mark the Bard! -
Find out what your pupils' families think about reading and the role of the school in encouraging reading for pleasure.View details about Family reading survey -
Support staff to teach the reading skills specific to their subject area with our downloadable presentation aimed at secondary practitioners - with a particular focus on science.View details about Reading in subject areas in secondary school -
The England Women’s football team took part in the Women’s Euros this summer. To capitalise on the excitement around the tournament, we teamed up with The FA to create a toolkit for...View details about UEFA Women's Euro 2017: literacy resources -
An example from Queensbridge School in Birmingham of how literacy can be integrated in the PSHE curriculum. “Generation Z” integrates wider reading of challenging...View details about Integrating literacy and PSHE: a case study from Queensbridge School, Birmingham -
Support staff to select appropriate interventions at Key Stage 3 with our downloadable presentation, designed to be used in a staff meeting or whole school INSET with staff from...View details about Planning Key Stage 3 interventions -
Support your students to improve their verbal communication skills by teaching different types of interactive talk.View details about Understanding the teaching of "talk" in the secondary classroom -
This resource explores the opportunities for links between literacy and landscape. It includes a sample geography and poetry lesson plan.View details about Landscape and literacy: linking geography and poetry at Key Stage 3 -
A quick guide that defines and covers some of the basics of synthetic phonics. Aimed at those new to phonics, parents and secondary colleagues struggling with late decoders.View details about The quick guide to phonics -
Download Tom's short story for Years 6, 7 and 8.View details about A free short story by Tom Palmer for Years 6, 7 and 8: Maybe Football is Exciting -
We have put together the following advice based on our experiences of working with professional football clubs to promote reading and literacy.View details about Using football to promote literacy: working with clubs and players -
These football-themed books have been reviewed for us by football author Tom Palmer. The reviews are short and grouped by age.View details about Football book reviews -
10 writing exercises that use football to engage young people with writing.View details about Football-themed writing activities by author Tom Palmer -
Emma King (Teaching and Learning Lead) at Nightingale Academy, North London outlines how teachers across the school are improving reading comprehension through three...View details about Developing pupils’ reading across the secondary curriculum: an example from Nightingale Academy -
Celebrate reading and inspire children with our themed book lists.View details about Young Readers Programme: booklists -
The Literacy Progress Units (LPU) were National Strategy intervention materials written primarily for use with small groups of Year 7 pupils to help them catch up with their peers...View details about Literacy Progress Units -
A toolkit for practitioners which uses football to motivate young people to improve their literacy skills.View details about Love football, love reading -
A rugby-focused toolkit for practitioners which uses rugby to motivate young people to improve their literacy skills.View details about Love rugby, love reading