Everyone Ready for School

Everyone Ready for School engages parents in their young child’s learning through a series of fun, creative events held at the school the child will attend in September.
About the programme
Everyone Ready for School engages parents in their young child’s learning through a series of fun, creative sessions held at the school the child will attend in September.
The parent sessions will:
- Build relationships between parents, settings and schools
- Help parents understand and implement simple communication, language and literacy activities in the home and other ideas to support their child's development
- Help practitioners and parents value the importance of the home learning environment
Everyone Ready for School is structured around a core text, which is explored each week through activities designed around the themes and content of the book.
Everyone Ready for School was delivered in Darlington from 2018 - 2020 and the impact report can be found here. If you’d like to be kept up to date about our early years projects and opportunities sign up for our newsletter below
What settings get
Nursery staff are trained on delivering Everyone Ready for School by the National Literacy Trust's early years team.
Settings running the programme are provided with in-depth training resources and handbooks.
Parental attendance is encouraged with a series of items to keep including books, tote bags, arts and craft materials and lots more.
Meetings will be organised for the settings taking part to discuss running the programme and best practice.
We have lots of downloadable resources to help you support families to be ready for school. Please note these are only accessible to those registered to take part in Everyone Ready for School.

Success stories
The Rydal Academy has seen parents and children become more comfortable and confident with the transition from nursery to Reception through Everyone Ready for SchoolLearn more about Everyone Ready for School improves parent and child confidence at The Rydal Academy in Darlington.