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Disciplinary writing in the secondary curriculum


This course

  • Two 90-minute CPD sessions
  • Between session teaching, evaluation and feedback tasks
  • Online consultancy support

Part 1: Thursday 3rd October 2024 15:30-17:00

Part 2: Monday 11th November 2024 15:30-17:00

Course content

The online or in-person CPD introduces teachers to a process for teaching and improving writing in a range of secondary subjects

In part 1, teachers will:

  • Consider the cognitive challenge of writing
  • Know what a new year 7 student working at the expected level can do
  • Review genre, purpose and audience in KS3 and 4 subject writing
  • Evaluate own knowledge and skills about writing (self-assessed)

In part 2, teachers will:

  • Review research into what works in teaching writing to adolescents
  • Understand a sequence for teaching writing (modelling, planning and editing)
  • Practice building students’ motivation and confidence in paragraph writing
  • Use success criteria to help students evaluate their own and others’ writing

Participating teachers are expected to implement some tasks with a class between sessions.


Teachers of subjects with extended writing at KS3 or 4, supported by literacy leaders.

For more information, download the course agenda


£140 for a single ticket

£1,400 for a group session

Please contact Nisha Tank for more information and costings for an in-person booking.
