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Represent sample resources

Added 01 Jun 2022 | Updated 11 Jun 24

Represent programme resources. jpg

The sample resources provided here provide you with the chance to explore our new Represent programmme.

What is Represent?

Represent has been designed for girls aged 11 to 14 who are either attending alternative provision settings or are in mainstream education but at risk of exclusion. The programme uses carefully selected texts and interesting activities to develop key literacy skills such as comprehension and oracy as well supporting students' wellbeing.

Content has been carefully written to help leaders to differentiate, acknowledging the wide range of ability often found in these settings.

There are four key objectives:

  • To improve girls’ communication skills
  • To increase girls’ understanding of how to form positive relationships
  • To improve girls’ resilience
  • To improve girls’ sense of wellbeing

About these sample resources

Each of the ten Represent lessons has an easy-to-use PowerPoint presentation with accompanying notes and resources.

The sample resources provided in the downloadable files section of this page give you the opportunity to try out the social media lesson presentation, together with an activity sheet. The text used in this lesson examines attitudes to social media and asks students to consider the views of the author, themselves and other sources.

Students can work independently or as a group and the leader can support with as much or as little modelling as is needed.

Represent full programme

The full programme includes staff training, physical resource packs and books, plus ten lesson plans, as well as a year of National Literacy Trust whole-school membership.

Represent: learn more and sign up

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