Flood your school with books and reading for pleasure this year by holding your own Jólabókaflóð.
This is a fabulous Icelandic Christmas tradition which roughly translates as 'Christmas book flood'. On Christmas Eve, people exchange gifts of books and then read them straight away, snuggled up in front of the fire, eating chocolate or drinking hot chocolate. What a cosy idea!
This members' resource will help you to think about how to use this idea to promote reading for pleasure in the run up to Christmas in your school. Included are:
- guidance notes with a list of ideas about how to adapt the Jólabókaflóð tradition in your school.
- an assembly PowerPoint which introduces pupils to the Jólabókaflóð tradition and encourages staff to read a festive tale.
- information about how Archbishop Temple School in Preston have embraced the Jólabókaflóð tradition in their library.