About these resources
This page contains all the additional resources you will need to run Early Words Together 3-4 years. The resources complement the programme materials sent to settings.
Who are these resources for?
These resources are usually available to schools, family hubs and settings once they have undertaken Early Words Together training. The resources are only open to those who have:
- Purchased Early Words Together from the National Literacy Trust
- Taken part in strategic, funded delivery of Early Words Together, led by the National Literacy Trust
Please note that these resources will continue to be developed, adapted and added to, so it is important that you check them regularly.
Programme resources
Staff training
- Staff training presentation: The PowerPoint presentation used in the staff training
- Early Words Together Practitioner Toolkit: Digital version of the toolkit practitioners received at training.
- Early Words Together Outdoors: additional session plans. These can be used to deliver the programme entirely outdoors during the summer (or at any time of year in appropriate clothing!)
Practitioner delivery tools
- Early Words Together Action Planning Template: Use this document to help you plan delivery.
- Early Words Together Booklist: Recommended books to support the sessions.
- Parent surveys: Parents should complete this questionnaire at their first and final session.
- Parent sign in sheet: Please record parents' attendance at sessions using this form.
- Family certificate templates: certificates for families who have taken part in the programme
- Permission Forms: Please ask parents to complete the National Literacy Trust photography/videography permission form.
Volunteer management and training
- Volunteer role description: this leaflet can be handed out to potential volunteers. It sets out who can be an Early Words Together volunteer and describes the role and benefits of volunteering
- Volunteer training presentation: a PowerPoint presentation to train volunteers, complete with notes and guidance
- Early Words Together Volunteer Toolkit: Digital version of the volunteer toolkit. Hard copies of these can be requested from the National Literacy Trust.
Please contact Early Words Together with any questions you have about the programme or resources.
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