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What is disciplinary literacy?

What is disciplinary literacy banner

The Education Endowment Foundation’s guidance, Improving Secondary Literacy, explains that disciplinary literacy is an approach to improving literacy within the curriculum thus emphasising a subject- specific focus. All teachers need to know how to teach students to read, write and communicate effectively in their subjects. School leaders can help this process by ensuring literacy training prioritises subject specificity over general approaches.

Our training is designed to help teachers understand how curriculum subjects communicate knowledge through literacy, and how they can support students to read, write and communicate effectively in their discipline.

About this course

This online training involves two 45-minute sessions

Autumn dates TBC

Course content

  • Review recent research and theory about academic language and disciplinary literacy
  • Identify literacy demands of curriculum subjects and the implications for teaching and learning
  • Try out practical strategies to develop disciplinary reading and academic vocabulary
  • Understand how language shifts from informal talk to formal writing
  • Use academic writing tools to support cohesive and coherent writing


  • Secondary subject teachers, whole-school literacy leaders in schools that are new to this area of CPD


£70 for a single ticket


Booking opening soon