Goldsmiths 500 Writers

Enhancing writing development from Year 2 to Year 4 in Bradford
This exciting fully funded project focuses on the development of writing as pupils move across a critical point of transition from Years 2 to 4.
We're working with primary state schools in Bradford with over 22.5% of pupils eligible for free school meals who will benefit from this programme of staff CPD and whole-class cultural visits.
Our initial recruitment phase is now complete, with all spaces taken.
If you have any questions, either as a registered participant school, or to be informed about future opportunities, please email
Your school will receive
Staff CPD
Three fully funded cycles of bespoke CPD for your transition teaching team across three years.
Cultural visits
A fully funded series of six curated cultural visits for your pupils: two visits per year across three years.
Full project support
Project management support to implement the programme and organise the school trips.
Impact monitoring
Bespoke reports to track impact in your school.
Celebration events
Exclusive celebratory and networking events for your transition teaching team.
National Literacy Trust membership
Free National Literacy Trust premium membership for three years providing access to resources and benefits to support literacy planning and teaching across the whole school, worth £300.
This fully funded project is worth approximately £15,000 over three years (£5,000 per year).
About the project
The transition between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 has long been recognised as presenting specific literacy challenges caused by significant shifts in curriculum expectations and pedagogic approaches.
Drawing upon an extensive evidence base, this project is designed to enhance the long-term development of writing and reading by harnessing the power of memorable experiences and teaching and learning approaches to support the development of confident, motivated writers/readers across a critical point of transition.
Working with a group of pupils over three years as they progress from Year 2 to Year 4, the longitudinal aspect of the project will give your school unique insights, measuring the impact of this evidence-based approach on the pupils and their teachers.
Why Bradford?
How does research and our place-based approach inform the Goldsmiths 500 Writers programme? Programme lead Ki-Li Watkins unpacks the strategy behind our new three-year initiative.

Get involved
This project provides sustained support to develop pupils' writing motivation and skills is free to eligible schools in Bradford.
Our initial recruitment phase is now complete, with all spaces taken.
If you have any questions, either as a registered participant school, or to be informed about future opportunities, please email
Our Bradford Literacy Hub
Since 2014, the hub has been supporting literacy in Bradford through unique, community-driven projects. We have worked with over 30,000 children, families and teachers, and have given out over 50,000 books to children – many of whom did not own a single book.
Find out more about our Bradford Hub.

Our latest innovation is the Bradford Stories Bus. A 14.5-tonne American school bus that we have converted into an incredible book haven for children and families. We take the bus directly to schools and community groups in Bradford, encouraging reading for pleasure and engaging children and families with literacy in all its forms. The stories bus will be featured as part of this project.
In partnership with The Goldsmiths' Company

The Goldsmiths’ Company is a membership organisation that has contributed to national life for 700 years. It trains and supports jewellers and silversmiths and allied trades, protects consumers by testing and hallmarking precious metals and works with charitable, educational and cultural partners to help improve life chances.