This week the National Literacy Trust released a new research report, Mental wellbeing, reading and writing, which found that children who read and write in their free time have significantly better mental wellbeing than their peers.
The report also showed that children who are the most engaged with reading and writing (i.e. those who enjoy it, do it daily and have positive attitudes towards it) are three times more likely to have higher levels of mental wellbeing than children who don’t.
To celebrate the launch of this new research, the National Literacy Trust and children’s mental health charity, Place2Be, delivered a special whole-school assembly at Mellers Primary School in Nottingham on Wednesday 26 September. Pupils learned ways that reading can help them to feel happier and enjoyed a performance from poet Dominic Berry, who inspired them to read and write in their free time.
All schools in Nottingham have access to free wellbeing-inspired teaching resources for primary and secondary schools created by the National Literacy Trust and Place2Be, including book lists and assembly plans.
Emily Landsborough, Manager of the National Literacy Trust in Nottingham said: “We’re delighted to mark the launch of this exciting new research with pupils at Mellers Primary School and hope that many more schools across the city will utilise our wellbeing-themed teaching resources. Through the Read On Nottingham campaign in partnership with Nottingham City Council and Small Steps Big Changes we are running a range of events and activities to inspire more pupils to enjoy reading and writing. This exciting new research shows the important link this has to children’s wellbeing, as well as their success at school.”
Amanda Dawson, Headteacher at Mellers Primary School said: “Place2Be has been part of the fixtures and fittings here at Mellers for 10 years now, and we wouldn’t be without it. It’s great for us to be able to host the launch of the National Literacy Trust event, with Place2Be, at Mellers because we’re completely committed to raising standards whilst improving emotional health and wellbeing for pupils, parents and staff. This is such an important part of the work we do.”
Find about more about the research.