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Our response to the Schools White Paper

28 Mar 2022

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Today the Department for Education have published their Schools White Paper which sets out their plan for how to deliver this target and support the literacy skills of pupils across the country to make sure every child can reach the full height of their potential.

"At the National Literacy Trust, we support the government’s ambition to ensure that 90% of children leave primary school reaching the expected standard in reading, writing, and maths by 2030. We believe this target cannot be achieved by schools alone and are therefore pleased to see the government's ongoing commitment to working with the third sector in order to meet their ambitions for literacy and numeracy. We're pleased to see the 55 Education Investment Areas at the heart of this strategy. We know from our work in our literacy Hubs the power of place-based working and we are excited by the benefits that intensive investment will bring to these areas. We know how important it is to work in these areas with community partners and businesses, to build on what children are learning in schools. Over the last 25 years, we have supported the professional development of leaders in schools, particularly around literacy, focusing on literacy as a tool for social mobility and how literacy has a critical impact on a child's success across every subject in school, their mental wellbeing and ultimately their life chances. We therefore fully support the Government’s drive for specialist training to drive better literacy."

Jonathan Douglas CBE, Chief Executive of the National Literacy Trust
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