Join the National Literacy Trust on the Yorkshire Coast’s marvellous makers and creatives for a summer of imaginative adventures for the whole family! There will be arts, crafts, stories, and rhymes hosted at libraries in Scarborough, Whitby, and Filey to keep you entertained all summer long. All our activities are suitable for children aged 7 to 11 and their families.
Scroll down to find out what activities are happening in your town!
Events in Filey
Address: Filey Library, Station Ave, Filey YO14 9AE
James Harris Workshop
Monday 5 August, 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Meet the author of Happy Town Must Be Destroyed for an exciting storytelling workshop.
Big Tent Stories
Thursday 22 August, 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Join the National Literacy Trust team for origami book-mark creation indoors and storytelling in the stripy tent on the lawn.

Events in Whitby
Address: Whitby Library, Windsor Terrace, Whitby YO21 1ET
Make your own Zine
Thursday 1 August, 10am-12pm
Want to learn how to make your own comics and mini magazines? Scarborough Zine Library is hosting a drop in event for visitors young and old to create their own Zines! You’ll be able to read some of the collection and find out what the Zine library is all about.
Word Wizards
Thursday 15 August, 10am – 12pm
Join the National Literacy Trust team to get creative with this games and poetry workshop.

Events in Eastfield
Address: More Than Books Eastfield Community Hub, High St, Eastfield, Scarborough YO11 3LL
Monster Makers
Monday 29 July, 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Join Make More Arts in this workshop exploring stories with gruesome characters and create your own pinch pot creature. Work with clay to create a creature using pinch pot and rolling techniques.
Draw-a-long Character Creation
Monday 19 August, 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Get silly, creative, and noisy (!) with artist Nathan Wackett as we design our own story characters. We will draw together to create magical characters and come up with our funniest sound effects in this creative workshop.

Events in Scarborough
Address: Scarborough Library, Vernon Rd, Scarborough YO11 2NN
Storycraft Summer Launch
Saturday 13 July, 10am - 12pm
Create your own Marvellous Makers banner, sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge.
Saturday 13 July, 12pm - 2pm
Join in with our poetry workshop and open mic.
Text Art Workshop
Tuesday 23 July, 10am - 12pm, 2pm - 4pm
Is it possible to design animal noises that look like they sound? Can you bring your favourite quote to life in a print design? Join Electric Angel’s Adrian Riley to bring words to life.
Story Stones
Tuesday 30 July, 10am - 12pm
Decorate your own pebble and get stuck into an improvised story making game.
Marvellous Menus
Tuesday 30 July, 2pm - 4pm
Join our book café and create your own menu based on foods from your favourite books.
James Harris Workshop
Tuesday 6 August, 10am - 12pm, 2pm - 4pm
Meet the author of Happy Town Must Be Destroyed for an exciting storytelling workshop.
Women Inventors and Designers
Tuesday 13 August, 10am - 12pm, 2pm - 4pm
Build, design, play, craft and create with Coastival in a workshop focused on women inventors and designers throughout history.
Joking Around!
Tuesday 20 August, 10am - 12pm, 2pm - 4pm
A joke-book workshop exploring the funniest books in the library.
Draw-a-long character creation – with sound effects!
Tuesday 27 August, 10am - 12pm, 2pm - 4pm
Get silly, creative, and noisy (!) with artist Nathan Wackett as we design our own story characters. We will draw together to create magical characters and come up with our funniest sound effects in this creative workshop.