There are lots of brilliant things to do as a family this summer in Lowestoft. Find out what we are doing in your area:
All of August - Read and Create competition
We are partnering with Kirkley Independent Traders for a competition - design a shop window based on a book or book character! Pick up entry forms from the Seagulls and Other Birds craft shop.
Tuesday 2 August, 10am-2pm - Launch of Carlton Colville storytelling chair
Join Greener Growth, Carlton Colville Town Council and the Carlton Colville community garden for storytelling by local author Nigel Lungenmuss-Ward and lots of activities for the whole family.

Friday 5 August, 10am-4pm - Disability Advice beach party
Activities and books on offer at Disability Advice North East Suffolk's event, near the new beach huts on the eastern edge of Lowestoft beach.
Monday 8 August, 10am-2pm - High Street Surgery community health event
Activities for children running at the community engagement event run by High Street Surgery.
Tuesday 9, 16, 23, 30 August, 10am-2pm - Eco and literacy activities
Greener Growth and Get Suffolk Reading are offering family-friendly eco and literacy activities for all to enjoy at the Carlton Colville storytelling chair.

Sunday 28 August, 1pm-4pm - Fairies and Gnomes activity day
If you love fairies and gnomes then come along to Fen Park to paint fairy/gnome doors and enjoy fairy-themed storytelling and activities.
Monday 29, Tuesday 30 August, Thursday 1 September, 10am-2pm - Incredible Inventions story writing sessions
Book to attend the story-writing sessions at The Seagull Theatre. These stories will be inspired by local inventions and will be showcased at the Heritage Open Days festival in September.