On Wednesday 20 April families are invited to take part in an exclusive storytelling event on London Road North and Lowestoft High Street. Storytellers will read a range of stories to families from 11:00 – 14:00. All attendees will be able to collect a free book from the Get Suffolk Reading marquee outside of Lowestoft Library too.
Between 16 and 23 April, families can also take part in an Easter trail taking place in the south, through London Road South. Books will be hidden in shops in the area and children are asked to hunt for the books and note down where they’ve found them on our worksheet. All completed worksheets will be entered into a prize draw to win:
- A giant Easter egg
- £20 book voucher for Waterstones
- £10 book voucher for WH Smith
- £10 Asda voucher
- Signed books
- Bundle of books
Families can collect and return their worksheets from Seagulls and Other Birds, to enter. The trail runs from 16 – 23 April and worksheets submitted after the 23 April will not be entered into the draw. Both launch events are free and no pre-registration is required.
Get Suffolk Reading brings together the expertise of the National Literacy Trust and a wide range of local partners to deliver a county-wide literacy campaign, supported and enhanced by localised programmatic and campaign activity in Haverhill, Lowestoft and Stowmarket. Working in close consultation with local communities, three main priorities are increasing parental engagement during the crucial early years, supporting wellbeing through engagement with literature, and raising aspirations and increasing employability skills.
“The launch of Get Suffolk Reading in Lowestoft is set to be a hugely exciting event and I can’t wait to engage with local families and encourage a love of reading in the town. A huge thank you goes to our amazing community partners and volunteers who have contributed to the range of activities taking place, including Lowestoft Vision, Kirkley Independent Traders, Lowestoft Library and Suffolk Mind.” “Improving the literacy skills of children and young people is more important than ever, and I’m really looking forward to shaping our activity in the area that will run for the next ten years.”
Sally Connick, Lowestoft Project Manager at the National Literacy Trust