Salford's Happy Facts in the community
Low literacy is intrinsically linked to poverty. Salford is in the top 20 most deprived local areas in England, meaning that children growing up in the city are at higher risk of missing out on the crucial benefits literacy skills bring to their life. But the good news is that anyone who is part of a community group or a local business has the ability to support and inspire Salford's next generation to discover reading for pleasure, which can provide them with the skills they need to break the cycle.
The National Literacy Trust in Salford wants to encourage children to explore the subjects they are interested in, or engage with as a hobby, to help them develop an enjoyment of reading as they uncover Happy Facts which build a sense of pride and connection to their city.
Whether they’re fascinated by football, or excited about the elements, helping children to pursue their interests through reading non fiction books can help to develop critical literacy skills which open up a world of opportunities for their future.

Share your knowledge
Salford is filled with interesting people and a range of varied careers, beekeepers, television production companies, community fitness groups, gardeners - the list goes on. With so many fascinating subjects in the city, everyone can support our campaign by sharing their own Happy Facts across social media, along with a recommendation of books which inspired them, or helped them to discover more about their chosen career.
Make sure to tag us on Facebook in any posts so we can spot them!
Volunteer with us
Whether we’re gifting books, creating digital content for Facebook, or hosting events, we need a reliable network of local volunteers to help us reach the families who need our support the most. From parents and sports coaches, to faith leaders and dog walkers, anyone can become a Literacy Champion and support The National Literacy Trust in Salford.
Sign up to become a Literacy Champion here.

Host a Happy Facts event with us!
We know that when children read for pleasure, they feel happier, more relaxed, and even more confident. But if they don’t see themselves as a reader, then it’s unlikely they’d choose to pick up a book! That’s why our local community events are designed to be as interactive as possible, with storytelling, crafts and activities to show children that books can spark their imagination.
We’ll be keeping this page updated with future community events – please do check back to find out what’s happening across Salford, and email if you’d like to get involved.
Share your ideas with us
We’d love to hear how you would like to work with us – and we’re open to all sorts of fun and creative ideas! So if you think you’ve got space to host a community bookshelf, our you have a venue which might be perfect for a themed Happy Facts event, drop us an email using the link below.