Continuing activity from our My Commonwealth Story Festival and to celebrate the 2022 Commonwealth Games kicking off in Birmingham, we've gathered a host of fun FREE sport and literacy themed activities for young people and families to take part in. These resources are from across the National Literacy Trust, and the Commonwealth Games. Click each link below to download the free activity.
Resources for primary school aged children
Reading and writing tips for parents, teachers and librarians.Learn more
Play this game and discuss tactics after each round.Learn more
Can you build the best tower of spaghetti and marshmallows?Learn more
Use your bodies to form different words.Learn more
Activity sheets to complete on a rainy day.Learn more
Author Matt Oldfield shares his tips for writing non-fiction.Learn more
Resources for secondary school aged young people
Resources to write speeches, poems and newspaper articles about women's football.Learn more
Hear stories of local sports people and share your own #MyBirminghamStory.Learn more
Use young people's passion for football throughout the year to promote reading.Learn more
Use sport to bring different nations, territories and cultures together.Learn more
Create a better world for you and the world around you. Use this worksheet to write your own pledge.Learn more
Connect pupils of all ages through games and music.Learn more