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Secondary School Literacy Research and Policy Guide

Added 15 Jan 2025 | Updated 28 Feb 25

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About the Secondary Literacy Guide (2025)

The Secondary Literacy Research and Policy Guide aims to inform and support teachers, especially those who are leading and developing whole-school literacy.

The information in this guide has been thoroughly reviewed and updated for 2025.

It is designed to help you to make informed, professional decisions about literacy development in your school, and to shape sustainable literacy strategies.

By collating and summarising key points from recent research and policy developments the guide bridges the gap between evidence and practice.

Each section aligns with an area of focus that highlights subject-disciplinary literacy to support teachers as they develop talking, listening, reading and writing in their subject areas. These are further explored in the secondary continuing professional development courses we offer.

Literacy focus areas in the guide

The guide is divided into sections that each address key literacy themes. Each section includes insights and further reading for relevant policy and research, plus a handy reference list of 'essentials' that allow you to assess your current practice, and highlight areas for development.

  1. Leading disciplinary literacy
  2. Reading for pleasure and wider reading
  3. Reading for learning
  4. Building vocabulary within the curriculum
  5. Writing in subject disciplines and wider writing
  6. Talk for learning (oracy)
  7. Managing literacy interventions
  8. Links to references and further reading

Accessing the Secondary Literacy Guide

The Secondary Literacy Reserach and Policy Guide is a core benefit of National Literacy Trust whole-school premium membership.

For those with existing premium membership, you can log in to access the Guide in full.

Sample taster

If your school does not hold premium membership, we invite you to learn more about what is included:

Core Secondary Literacy Toolkit

To support evaluation, reflection and ongoing strategic development of whole-school literacy we offer a set of core tools, resources and events that can be built into your annual school-improvement cycle to provide a gateway to good practice that is informed by evidence, in line with policy and inspired by practical ideas.

Sitting alongside this Secondary Literacy Research and Policy Guide we recommend that you explore:

Be part of the Annual Literacy Survey

Registration for our Annual Literacy Survey opens each Autumn term. The survey helps us gather essential data on literacy behaviours and attitudes of children aged 5 to 18, and participating schools receive an individual report. There is also a survey for staff. Learn more and sign up to participate.

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