To support National Poetry Day on 4 October 2018, we were commissioned to conduct the first ever national survey of children and young people’s views on poetry in England.View details about A thing that makes me happy: Children, young people and poetry in 2018 -
This report explores the link between children and young people’s mental wellbeing and their reading and writing enjoyment, attitudes and behaviours.View details about Mental wellbeing, reading and writing -
The NewsWise programme was developed as a collaborative partnership between Google, The Guardian Foundation, the National Literacy Trust and the PSHE Association. This report covers...View details about NewsWise pilot report 2018 -
This report evaluates the impact of Mrs Wordsmith, an illustrated, data-driven vocabulary programme for children aged 6-13.View details about Mrs Wordsmith Narrative Journey: pilot evaluation -
The 2017 evaluation of our Books Unlocked programme, which promotes reading for pleasure in prisons, supported by the Man Booker Prize Foundation.View details about Books Unlocked: evaluation report 2017 -
The survey looked at the reading habits of over 4,000 primary school children in 2018View details about Children’s reading in Birmingham in 2018: A baseline -
Our evaluation of Early Words Together at Two explores the outcomes of the programme on children, parents, and practitioners.View details about Early Words Together at Two - evaluation report -
This report compares pupils who participated in Readathon with those who haven't and shows that Readathon is related to various improved reading outcomes.View details about Readathon: How children and young people are engaged and the benefits to reading -
The final report of the Commission on Fake News and the Teaching of Critical Literacy in Schools.View details about Fake news and critical literacy: final report -
This report explores how many children and young people enjoy writing, how often they write in their free time, what they think about writing and more.View details about Children and young people’s writing in 2017/18 -
This report explores the writing enjoyment, behaviours and attitudes of 8 to 11-year-olds in the UK in the 2017/18 academic year.View details about Writing enjoyment, behaviours and attitudes in 8 to 11-year-olds in 2017-18 -
An evidence review exploring the link between literacy and life expectancy in England through health and socioeconomic factors.View details about Literacy and life expectancy -
This research review explores redefining and reframing what it means to be a good reader at age 11, looking in particular at cognitive reading skills, affective processes and...View details about What it means to be a reader at age 11: valuing skills, affective components and behavioural processes -
We asked 42,406 children and young people aged eight to 18 about book ownership in our seventh annual literacy survey, which we conducted in November/December 2016. One in 11...View details about Book ownership and reading outcomes -
This literature review provides a brief overview of research relating to the importance of shared reading in the early years, with a focus on personalised children’s picture books...View details about Personalised print books and family literacy outcomes: A literature review -
This report looks at year two of the poetry programme and the impact it has had.View details about Young City Poets - evaluation report -
Read about our FA writing challenges and how they increased participating students’ enthusiasm for writing, motivated them to write and improved their confidence as writers.View details about FA Writing Challenges: Evaluation report 2017 -
Pupils who use Accelerated Reader (AR) enjoy reading, read frequently and think more positively about reading than their peers who do not use AR.View details about Reading Enjoyment, Behaviour and Attitudes in Pupils who use Accelerated Reader (2016) -
This report outlines findings about children and young people’s reading from our seventh annual literacy survey conducted in November/December 2016 when 42,406 children and young...View details about Children and Young People’s reading in 2016: Findings from our Annual Literacy Survey 2016 -
Our review of provision of school libraries, the impact on pupils and the elements that make a good school library.View details about School libraries: A literature review on current provision and evidence of impact (2017) -
Fewer children and young people in Manchester say that they enjoy reading compared with their peers nationally and fewer read daily outside class. This is based on a survey of 5,000...View details about Children and Young People's Reading in Manchester in 2016