Teachers’ experiences of, and attitudes to, using ebooks to support children's reading for enjoyment.View details about Using ebooks to support reading for pleasure in 2023: A survey of primary school teachers -
This report shares the impact of Connecting Stories 2, an ambitious project to increase access to literature in places where people are most likely to be facing poverty and have...View details about Connecting Stories 2 evaluation: 2021-2023 -
1 in 4 (26.7%) children and young people said they read poetry in their free time at least once a month in 2023.View details about Children and young people's engagement with poetry in 2023 -
This evaluation report explores the impact of participating in Our Little Big Book Club, on families and school coordinators.View details about Our Little Big Book Club: 2023 Evaluation -
This report outlines findings from our 2023 Annual Literacy Survey, in which we recorded the lowest level of reading enjoyment since 2005.View details about Children and young people's reading in 2023 -
Report on the confidence of young people aged 16-30 in communicating their opinions on a range of issuesView details about Confident Young Adults: Communication and social, public, and civic engagement -
This report presents an external evaluation of First Words Together in Birmingham, a family learning programme focussing on early communication, developed with Speech and Language...View details about Evaluation of First Words Together in Birmingham -
This report presents an external evaluation of our Represent programme, designed to improve communication skills, resilience and wellbeing for girls aged 11 to 14 excluded from, or...View details about Evaluation of Represent -
This evaluation report explores the impact of participating in First Words Together in Cornwall, on families and practitioners.View details about First Words Together in Cornwall: 2023 Evaluation -
A summary report of how our evidence-based Young Writers programme is supporting schools to develop lasting writing-for-enjoyment practices with the view that every young person is...View details about Programmatic approaches to supporting writing for enjoyment -
This report explores findings from our 2023 Annual Literacy Survey, which found that just a third of children and young people aged 8 to 18 said they enjoyed writing, one of the...View details about Children and young people’s writing in 2023 -
This report draws on data from our 2023 Annual Literacy Survey, to investigate access to author visits in school, as well as the link between author visits and enjoyment and...View details about Author visits in schools, and children and young people’s reading and writing engagement in 2023 -
This evaluation report shows how our secondary school improvement programme has transformed literacy outcomes in some of the most disadvantaged communities.View details about Literacy for Learning: Improving literacy in secondary schools -
This report shows that providing young people who aren’t confident communicators with structured oracy and writing activities as well as real-world opportunities to practise those...View details about Words for Work: Developing young people’s communication skills needed for employment -
This report shares findings from a survey of over 3000 parents exploring the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on literacy resources and support, and the importance of school...View details about Children and young people’s access to books and educational devices at home during the cost-of-living crisis -
This report discusses the enduring importance of our Young Readers Programme for providing children with impactful positive reading experiences and opportunities to choose their own...View details about Young Readers Programme: Developing a love of reading in primary schools -
Exploring young adults’ confidence communicating about their mental wellbeing, work and participation in societyView details about Young adults’ communication and the gender gap -
This report from our 2022 Annual Literacy Survey explores how children and young people are listening to audio and engaging with stories and information through audiobooks and...View details about Children and young people’s listening in 2022 -
This report uses data from our 2022 Annual Literacy Survey to track book ownership in children and young people and to investigate how the number of books at home relates to their...View details about Book ownership in 2022 -
Our second report research looking at diversity and children and young people's reading and writing shows that 2 in 5 (38.9%) find it difficult to find books with characters or...View details about Seeing yourself in what you read: diversity and children and young people’s reading in 2022 -
This report explores changes for children, families and practitioners as a result of taking part in our Early Words Together for London programme over the three years of delivery.View details about Impact report: Early Words Together for London