Words for Work: KS3

Organisations open their doors to students giving them opportunities to unlock their oracy skills.
About the programme
Students participate in a range of interactive literacy activities through role play and presentation delivery, to help develop communication skills.
Volunteers from a range of organisations support students to understand the real life application of literacy in the workplace. The volunteers share their career journey, take part in interviews with students and advice for delivering presentations.
Development of speaking, listening, teamwork and leadership skills is embedded throughout the programme. Participating schools are provided with fully planned resources along with guidance for delivery in lessons.
Participation is normally for one class of 30 students and comes fully funded and resourced. You will also receive free National Literacy Trust premium membership for a year and a selection of books for students or for your school library.
Opportunities for 2024-25
We are currently looking for schools in to take part in the KS3 Words for Work programme.
Register interest
Schools wishing to learn more about the programme or to register interest in participating, can email us at wfw@literacytrust.org.uk

"It's been a great experience for all involved. I've seen the volunteers engage and inspire and bring out the best in my students. I've never seen my class smile so much! Programmes like this one are so important."
Words for Work teacher
After completing Words for Work: KS3
93% of students felt more confident in their speaking and listening skills
92% of students gained a better understanding of how to write a formal email
94% of students knew how to give formal presentations in front of an audience.
97% of students knew the difference between formal and informal situations.
Success Stories
Students from Acklam Grange, Middlesbrough took part in a five-week Words for Work programme in partnership with Middlesbrough FC Foundation.Learn more