Changing the Story Reading Programme

This programme, developed in partnership with Hachette UK, focuses on supporting primary school children to develop their reading skills, enabling them to confidently read for enjoyment too.
About the programme
The Changing the Story Reading Programme has been designed to offer a tailor-made and inclusively resourced way to get children practising and developing their reading skills, focusing on children in Key Stage 1 who are at risk of falling behind. It can also be used to support early readers in Key Stage 2.
Participating schools receive the full package of books included in Hodder Education’s Rising Stars Reading Planet scheme, which celebrates diversity and champions individuality through stories, characters and themes that reflect the world we live in today. They will also receive online training and a package of support including additional picture books, National Literacy Trust membership and resources.
What is the school commitment?
- Sign a school partnership agreement with National Literacy Trust
- Identify two members of staff (e.g. Literacy Lead or class teacher and teaching assistant) to participate in online training
- Administer termly reading assessments for participating children.
- Complete a post-evaluation online survey and, where possible, participate in focus groups
- Work 1:1 with selected children to accelerate their progress in reading
- Deliver a parent workshop to build confidence in supporting reading at home
- Build a culture of reading for pleasure in your school, supported by the National Literacy Trust
Participating schools
Schools that have been fully trained and are delivering the programme can access relevant resources on our participants' page.
What will schools receive?
Online training
Online training will improve staff knowledge and expertise around teaching early reading skills and will provide focused training in how to use the Reading Planet resources, including the online library, to accelerate the reading development of participating children who are at risk of falling behind.
Rising Stars Reading Planet scheme
Participating schools receive the full package of books included in Hodder Education’s Rising Stars Reading Planet scheme, which celebrates diversity and champions individuality through stories, characters and themes that reflect the world we live in today. They also get an online library subscription.
Additional reading for pleasure books
Additional picture books, donated by Hachette Children’s Group, will be supplied to every participating school, ensuring children have increased opportunities to enjoy listening to stories read aloud to them and seeing themselves represented in books.
Support for parental engagement
Training will also include guidance and resources to deliver parent workshops to build parents’ confidence in supporting their child’s reading at home.
National Literacy Trust membership
Free National Literacy Trust membership for one year (usually £100) providing resources to support whole-school literacy planning and classroom teaching.
Get involved
Registration for 2023-24 is now full.
If you have questions about the programme, please email the project team.