Our Read On Nottingham campaign, in partnership with Nottingham City Council and Small Steps Big Changes, has announced the winners of its Dads Reading Selfies competition.
Launched at the Nottingham City Home’s Fun Day in September, The Dads Reading Selfies competition asked dads, grandads and uncles to post a picture on social media as they enjoyed story time with their children, using the hashtag #ReadOnNottingham. The competition aimed to encourage more dads across the city to read with their children and create an impact on their learning and wellbeing.
This comes in response to National Literacy Trust research, which shows that fathers are less likely to read to their children than mothers, and are seen reading by their children less frequently.
After receiving a selection of brilliant entries, the Read On Nottingham team selected Nat Watson, whose entry was posted by his wife Charlotte, as the lucky overall winner. He will win a pair tickets to a Nottingham Forest match and a bundle of books for his family. The runners up were Sam Williams, Emmanuel Kwaofo and Dr. David Johns, who each receive a bundle of books.
Emily Landsborough, Manager of the National Literacy Trust Hub in Nottingham, said:
"We were delighted to receive so many dads reading selfies for our social media competition. National Literacy Trust research tells us that children who have male reading role models in their lives are more likely to have better levels of literacy achievement than their peers. We hope our winning dads enjoy sharing their prizes with their families and inspire other dads to pick up a book too."