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Partner discounts

With a whole-school membership of the National Literacy Trust, you can access exclusive discounts from our partners.

Sign up today to start benefiting from these exclusive offers.

If you already have a subscribed membership, log in and visit our partner discounts members'-only page for more information.

Browns Books

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Browns Books provides a comprehensive range of services and products to assist librarians and the education sector to facilitate their selection and supply of books. They can supply any book in print, including textbooks, library books, reading schemes, literacy and numeracy schemes plus special needs resources. They carry the largest stock available in the UK from all major educational and mainstream publishers.

They are offering National Literacy Trust school members a 33% discount on mainstream titles (such as general fiction, library titles and general primary classroom resources) and a 15% discount on academic titles (such as primary reading schemes, literacy and numeracy schemes and secondary classroom resources).

Catch Up® Literacy

Catch Up® Literacy is a structured, one-to-one intervention proven to more than double rates of progress for learners who struggle with literacy. It involves 15-minute individual sessions delivered twice a week by trained teaching assistants, teachers or mentors.

Catch Up® Literacy uses a book-based approach to support learners in their reading of a book so they activate both dimensions of reading – word recognition processes (including phonics) and language comprehension processes. Read more about Catch Up® Literacy and this member offer, or sign up to a free information webinar.

National Literacy Trust members are currently offered a special discounted rate of £399* for individual training places (usual price £450).

First News

First News Education has been developed to help schools to advance pupils’ core reading, writing and oracy skills through a foundation of weekly news. The First News newspaper (digital and print editions) gives young people an accessible and engaging way to grow their knowledge of the world, understand news literacy and build confidence in discussing and debating news. Alongside the newspaper, activity sheets and the online iHub deliver weekly activities based on the latest news stories.

National Literacy Trust school members can save 15% off the first year of their chosen First News Education package.

School Library Association


The School Library Association (SLA) believe that every pupil is entitled to effective school library provision. The SLA is committed to supporting everyone involved with school libraries, promoting high-quality reading and learning opportunities for all. With National Literacy Trust membership, you can get a 10% discount. Here is a selection of benefits you can receive with an SLA subscription:

  • Telephone and e-mail advisory service to help you in setting up and running an effective school library resource centre which will enhance your pupils’ learning – free to all members
  • Members-only areas on the website with exclusive information and downloadable resources for up to 10 users in primary and secondary schools.
  • A wide range of training and CPD options, including free member webinars with a watch-later option.
  • A Quarterly journal TSL – available in print and online.

The Day

The Day is an online digital news service aimed at secondary school pupils and teachers. The Day produces daily current affairs news articles that promote critical thinking and improve literacy skills. Their journalists produce at least three new articles and features every day of the school year. Every article can be used as a complete lesson with activities, debate questions and further reading provided.

Alongside the daily articles, there is a form time programme, weekly themes for assemblies, opinion pieces to promote critical thinking and the Friday quiz of the week’s news.

The Day are offering National Literacy Trust members an introductory 25% discount on new whole school subscriptions. This gives the whole school community access to the site, with a central login that can be used by students, teachers and parents. An automatic login can be set up on the school campus and the resource can be accessed off site using the central login details.

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