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Secondary practitioner survey 2021

Teachers' cpd

As guidance from the Education Endowment Foundation shows, all teachers at secondary level need to teach students to communicate effectively in their subjects.

We are looking for teachers and practitioners from every level and subject to complete our survey on literacy in secondary schools. Findings from this survey will help us develop our provision to support literacy practice and provide key insights into attitudes, confidence and understanding around literacy in different subjects.

Take part

We are keen to hear from staff at every level, but in particular teachers from subjects other than English. With this in mind, please share the link across your school and encourage staff from different departments to take part.

The survey is completely anonymous and should take no more than ten minutes to complete.

We will be publishing a report on the findings in 2022.

Take the survey

Please note: if your school is taking part in Literacy for Learning, there is a separate link for you. Your school should have received a link but if you would like to access it please email

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