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#Take10ToRead in your organisation

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How to get involved

Thank you for signing up to pledge to support our Take 10 campaign this year! We value your commitment to creating a culture of reading for wellbeing in your organisation. Find below some quick and easy suggestions, tips and resources to get you started.

Date for your diaries

Mark the event in your organisation-wide calendars and support your people to take 10 minutes out of their day on 10th October to read. We will be marking the moment at 10am but choose a time that suits your organisation. Use your internal communication channels to spread the word.

Find our newsletter copy here

Activities for your workplace

Organise a book swap, encourage staff to share reading recommendations, or set up a community bookshelf. There are lots of ways to encourage a reading culture in your workplace.

Find our Take 10 activities here

Get social

Share your commitment to #Take10ToRead and the activities on the day itself on your social media channels. We have some template copy and graphics for you to use.

Find our social assets and copy here

What difference will your support make?

We know that children are more likely to enjoy reading if they see adults they care about reading too. This matters, because children who regularly read for pleasure do better at school and are happier. Research has also shown that reading for pleasure is more important for children’s cognitive development between ages 10 and 16 than their parents’ level of education, so it’s a critical factor in social mobility.

So, encouraging your workforce to #Take10toRead will not only yield positive mental health benefits for your employees but will also have a knock-on effect on the reading enjoyment of the children in their lives, which will in turn improve the next generation’s life chances.

Books supporting mental health and wellbeing

Did you know that libraries offer ‘Reading Well’ collections? They are stocked with books that support you to understand and manage your wellbeing and that of those around you.

The books are recommended by health experts as well as people with lived experience of the conditions and topics covered. In your promotion of Take 10, you might want to let your staff know about the availability of these helpful book collections.

Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to seeing you #Take10ToRead!

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