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Swindon at Home

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Welcome to National Literacy Trust in Swindon at Home!

National Literacy Trust in Swindon at Home is an initiative run in partnership with PVT, to inspire local families to fall in love with reading.

On this page you’ll find ideas and activities linked to the book packs that have been sent out to families through our community partners.

To see all of the worksheets we have included as part of your packs, click on the different Key Stages to start exploring. And remember to check back to see new videos and activities each week when you receive your pack. If you don’t have a book pack, don’t worry – you can still get involved!

Keep an eye on this page as we share activities that you can do at home to inspire your children to get reading.

Book packs on offer!

Get involved

Activities and video sessions will be organised by age group of children (nursery, primary and secondary) and will be friendly and informal.

Using your pack

In your packs, you will have been given some books for you to share with your child, some ideas to help get your children excited about reading, and some activities you can do together to extend the stories at home.

Each pack contains:

  • A welcome postcard
  • Large selection of worksheets and activities
  • At least two high quality books

We really hope you enjoy the book pack and resources, and they take you on a fantastic reading adventure.

Check out our tips, ideas and fun activities
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More tips to get your kids reading!

  • Read yourself! Show a good example by letting your children see you reading.
  • Make time to read together. Set aside a time for reading for the family – after school or before bedtime. Just 10 minutes a day really does make a difference. Encourage independent reading but don’t be afraid to still tell a bedtime story.
  • Encourage your child to join in. Invite them to describe the pictures and guess what will happen next, or read some of the text, perhaps alternating pages with you. Keep in touch with school.
  • Be positive. Praise your child for trying hard at their reading. Let them know it’s alright to make mistakes.
  • Don’t just read books. Find reading materials that are linked to your child’s interests. It could be newspapers, TV guides, comics, websites and magazines.

For further tips, development milestones, downloadable resources from popular children’s books and input from bestselling authors, visit You can find Early Years, KS2 and KS3 activities to get you sharing stories, chatting together and boosting your mental wellbeing.

Useful links and info

Contact us

If you have any questions or queries, please drop Sonja an email on or call 07563 397870.

You can also reach out to us on the Swindon Stories Facebook page.