Happy Facts at school
Sparking a love of reading through non fiction can help children develop the literacy skills they need to succeed. Discovering a new fact or news story which relates to their hobbies and interests can encourage further reading, and a desire to share their new-found knowledge.
Salford’s Happy Facts has been designed to work with schools and in the community to help discover the topics, people, places and facts which are important to the children of Salford.
The National Literacy Trust has developed some fun and interactive resources for its Salford’s Happy Facts campaign, designed to motivate and equip teachers with information and activities to inspire their pupils to read around subjects they’re interested in. We would love for your class to then discover and share their own happy facts, to possibly be included in our Salford’s Happy Facts book!

School resources, events and activities
Resources for teachers
Request a display kit to be sent to your school by emailing salford@literacytrust.org.uk
Upcoming events for schools
We’re working towards organising some fantastic author events, both virtual and in-person. Keep checking back here for updates!
Share your Happy Facts with us
Once your class has discovered their favourite facts, share it with us! We’re collecting facts from children right across the city, to be collated and published as an anthology later this year.
You can either:
Email a list of your class’ Happy Facts with their names, ages and school to salford@literacytrust.org.uk
Complete a Salford’s Happy Fact postcard through one of our local collection boxes
Submit your Happy Facts online via the link below.