Do you work with us?
Be part of a growing body of schools demonstrating their commitment to literacy as part of their School Improvement Plan.
Does your school put literacy at the heart of school improvement?
Have you used our resources, worked with us to develop great provision, or helped pupils and families get excited about reading and writing?
We invite qualifying UK schools to apply for our "Working with the National Literacy Trust" logo to use on your website, signage and letterheads.
As outlined in the form, you will be asked for evidence of your engagement with our membership resources, training and programmes.
- You will need to hold a current membership subscription with at least five registered staff logins.
- You will need to confirm your involvement in our training or programmes,
or to provide a case study of how you have made use of our membership resources to develop literacy strategy and delivery in your school or setting.
Submitting a case study
We make case studies into resources for full National Literacy Trust members as they are a great way of sharing best practice. If you would like to submit a case study you can use the template provided, or adapt if you have specific features to include that our members will find useful. Please send your case studies to our schools team.