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Remember us in your will

Leaving a legacy to the National Literacy Trust in your will is a really valuable way to contribute to our vital work supporting the literacy skills of children growing up in the most disadvantaged communities throughout the UK.

Currently, children from these types of backgrounds start school 19 months behind their more privileged peers, but with your support, we can start to change that so no child is held back as a result of their socioeconomic background.

How can I leave a gift to the National Literacy Trust in my will?

There are two main ways to leave a gift in your will, and we'd advise that you speak to a solicitor first before deciding which one is for you.

A pecuniary legacy

A pecuniary legacy is a fixed amount of money.

If you do decide to leave a pecuniary legacy, you will need to include the following details:

“I leave the sum of (in words) pounds

£xxxxxxx (in figures) to the National Literacy Trust of 68 South Lambeth Road, London SW8 1RL,

registered charity numbers: 1116260, Company reg. no.: 5836486, UTR no.: 1998115110.”

A residuary legacy

A residuary legacy is a percentage or share of the balance of your estate once all other payments and gifts have been made.

If you do decide to leave a residuary legacy, you will need to include the following details:

“I leave xxxxxx percent of the

residue of my real and personal

estate to the National Literacy Trust of 68 South Lambeth Road, London SW8 1RL,

registered charity number: 1116260, Company reg. no.: 5836486, UTR no.: 1998115110.”

If you have any further questions or anything you would like to clarify with us, please email

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