We partnered with Penguin Random House UK and Charlie Mackesy to create KS1/P2-3 and KS2/P4-P7 cross-curricular literacy and PSHE resources to help you celebrate World Kindness Day falling in November.
Resource aims
The suite of resources explore Charlie Mackesy's powerful, illustrated book, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse and help pupils to explore the importance of being kind to others as well as themselves.
The resources address the core literacy curriculum area of reading for pleasure, promoting book-based discussion and response through drama and writing activities. The learning activities also incorporate cross-curricular links with PSHE education as pupils are encouraged to explore themes of friendship and kindness, and their own personal wellbeing.
What's included in the resources?
For KS1/P2-3
A whole-phase assembly introducing World Kindness Day. The assembly provides pupils with the opportunity to collectively reflect on what kindness means and looks like, through exploration of carefully chosen extracts and illustrations from Charlie Mackesy's The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.
Follow-up literacy and PSHE classroom activities you can choose from, including book-based discussion questions and roleplay activities, a writing activity exploring acts of kindness to others and an oracy-based activity exploring kindness to ourselves.
For KS2/P4-7
A whole-phase assembly introducing World Kindness Day. The assembly provides pupils with the opportunity to collectively reflect on what kindness means and looks like, through exploration of carefully chosen extracts and illustrations from Charlie Mackesy's The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.
Follow-up literacy and PSHE classroom activities you can choose from, including book-based discussion questions and roleplay activities, a selection of writing and oracy-based activities exploring acts of kindness, and an art activity inspired by Charlie's illustrations.