News Literacy Network: find the right fake news and critical literacy teaching resources
The News Literacy Network aims to empower and equip news consumers of all ages with the confidence, knowledge and skills they need to engage critically with news and current affairs.
Founded in 2018, the network is chaired by the National Literacy Trust and comprises of media, education and charitable organisations.
To help teachers find the most useful resources about fake news and critical literacy, the News Literacy Network has compiled the best resources we could find from a wide range of providers.
Follow the links below to see what is available.

Work with a media or expert organisation
Find out how you and your pupils can work with journalists and media professionals to help develop news literacy.

Primary lesson resources
Access resources from a range of providers which can help you to teach primary-aged pupils about fake news and give them critical literacy skills.

Secondary lesson resources
Download lesson plans, schemes of work and other resources to support teaching secondary students about misinformation and critical literacy.

Displays and classroom resources
This page includes posters and other display materials which you can use to help keep your students informed about misinformation and media literacy.

How libraries can help
Get resources to use in school libraries, and case studies of how other libraries have approached this subject.

Staff training
Access resources and training sessions which can help staff be better prepared to teach about fake news and the media.

Child-friendly news
Links to news and current affairs which is written specifically for young people.