Parents, particularly single parents, often tell us that they feel stretched thin, and that after a day of juggling work, paying bills, and getting food on the table, finding the headspace to support their child’s development sometimes feels overwhelming.
Alexi and his dad Mikhail were struggling to communicate with each other after Mikhail was granted full custody. Young Alexi soon began to show his frustration through biting, throwing things, and pacing around the room.
Giving parents a place to start communicating is where our First Words Together programme is able to help families like Alexi and Mikhail’s. Mikhail knew that he wanted to find ways to engage in activities with his toddler Alexi and help him to reduce his frustration. Tegan, a Foundations for Life Practitioner based in Cornwall, met Mikhail at his home to see how she could help.
Tegan worked with the family for four months before they began the First Words Together programme, introducing Mikhail and Alexi to things like parallel play, and sharing books together.
“Alexi really enjoyed sensory activities, but he much preferred to play alone. Before starting the First Words Together programme with his dad, he didn’t talk at all, which was something Dad wanted to change as he approached his third birthday.”
“During one of the sessions, we were making a musical instrument shaker using rice and a plastic bottle. Alexi wasn’t able to put the rice into the bottle, but enjoyed watching it pour through his fingers and into the tray. Mikhail’s first instinct was to help him complete the activity, but we discussed the talking tip for that session, which was watch and wait – let your child lead, and then join in.”
As a result of that session, Alexi learnt a handful of key words which could be used throughout the week, such as “pour”, something which Mikhail felt was great for bathtime, and Tegan adapted the upcoming sessions to incorporate a sensory element, to help keep Alexi engaged.
“Mikhail shared with me how he was incorporating the recommended words and ideas into daily routines, and following each session, he would add each of the Parent Takeaway posters to the living room wall, to remind him and other family members, how they could support Alexi’s speech and language development."
When they completed the session, Mikhail added their certificate to the posters, giving it pride of place on the wall!”
How has the National Literacy Trust impacted Mikhail and Alexi's lives?
As a result of the First Words Together programme designed by the National Literacy Trust, Alexi is now able to play much more comfortably alongside others, and Mikhail understands how he likes to play, so they can communicate much better about each other’s wants and needs. Alexi’s now less frustrated, and making huge progress with his speech, too, trying out a variety of different sounds and babbling in response to an adult’s speech, which is how children begin to learn how to hold conversations.
The bite-sized tips have been designed with busy parents in mind, who are maybe feeling “stuck” with their children’s communication and language development. They’re simple activities and advice which can be incorporated into the daily routine, whether it’s bath time, or getting ready for nursery.
If you would like to support our First Words Together programme, and help parents to encourage their child in taking those first small, but incredibly valuable, steps in language development, you can donate here.
Alternatively, access one of our First Words Together programmes and find ways to support your own child. Visit our Words for Life website to find out where workshops are held in your area.