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Secondary training

Literacy for Learning is a secondary school improvement programme, providing professional development for school leaders and teachers on literacy within the curriculum. Our training is aligned with evaluation and research from the Education Endowment Foundation and emphasises the practical application of research in the classroom.

The programme was recently featured in leading publication SecEd, as our Secondary School Improvement Programme Manager Nisha Tank was invited to write a feature on how disciplinary literacy is the key to the transition from year 6 to year 7.

Nisha has also written a guest blog for EEF titled Co-constructing disciplinary literacy: Rethinking literacy leadership in secondary schools in which she shares the gains that can be made through purposeful literacy leadership, built around disciplinary literacy.

Our training offer

  • Scheduled live online ticketed events. Please note that we do not record these events.
  • Live online group or whole-school training on request
  • Face-to-face group or whole-school training on request

Why should I book training with the National Literacy Trust?

Teachers and educators will receive high-quality training which will improve and inform their teaching practice. Our courses have a proven track record of success with previous attendees noting a change in their own confidence and understanding as well as identifying positive behaviour changes within their students as a result of implementing their learnings.

In addition, you will be directly supporting the National Literacy Trust in its mission as an independent charity to change the stories of children living in poverty. All the profits from our CPD workshops and courses are invested back into the National Literacy Trust to fund vital activity in communities where the lowest levels of literacy are most prevalent and impactful.

Training events 2024

You will find a range of literacy pathways below. Each pathway suggests a sequence of courses to build skills and understanding for a specific literacy priority. The courses in the pathway can be purchased as either a scheduled ticketed course or as a group booking on a date that suits you.

If joining live online events, please ensure that the audio, microphone and video on your device is in working order as sessions are designed to be interactive. We encourage participants to keep cameras on and engage with the session by unmuting or contributing to the chat.

Please see below for our exciting offer on disciplinary literacy within subject areas.


Explore our literacy training pathways

Choose from four literacy training pathways:

  • Introduction to disciplinary literacy
  • Developing reading within the curriculum
  • Developing disciplinary literacy within subject areas
  • Developing disciplinary writing within the curriculum

Pathway one

Introducing disciplinary literacy banner

The Introducing disciplinary literacy pathway introduces the key concepts of disciplinary literacy and practical strategies for application within the curriculum.

It is suitable for:

  • Secondary practitioners, who are new to or beginning to develop their understanding of disciplinary literacy
  • Whole school literacy leaders, who plan to cascade this training in their setting

Pathway two

Developing reading in the curriculum banner

The Developing reading within the curriculum pathway is aimed at schools and practitioners who have identified reading as a priority

It is suitable for:

  • Secondary practitioners from all subject areas
  • Literacy leaders, who are developing subject disciplinary practice
  • Librarians and other staff, who support the development of reading

Pathway three

Disciplinary literacy in subject areas banner

The Developing disciplinary literacy within subject areas pathway deepens understanding of the literacy requirements in subject areas

It is suitable for:

  • Secondary subject leaders and practitioners
  • Literacy leaders, who may be supporting a subject area

Pathway four

Developing writing in the curriculum banner

The Developing disciplinary writing within the curriculum pathway is aimed at practitioners and schools, that have identified improving writing as a priority

It is suitable for:

  • Secondary practitioners with extended writing in their subject
  • Literacy leaders, who are supporting departments with developing students’ writing in a subject, or subjects